Week of March 30, 2025

This Week

Sunday - Family Worship Sunday

Discipleship Classes 

9:00am. Find more information at miltoncc.org/discipleship-classes

  • Next-Gen: 

    • Nursery - Room 1311

    • Preschool - Room 1312

    • Children (Grades 1-5) - 1300

    • Students (Grades 6-12) - 1309

    • Extended Care - nursery only, 10:30am

  • Adult Bible Fellowship:

    • Adult Bible Fellowship, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, and Jude, led by Rick Palmer and Terrence Regis, Room 2101

    • Adult Bible Fellowship, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, and Jude, led by Danny Baker and Todd Black, Room 2103

Coffee Fellowship, 10:00am, Worship Center Foyer

Worship Gathering 
10:30am. Dr. Nathan Young will be preaching a sermon titled "Litigating God’s Justice” from I Corinthians 6:1-11. Please read through this passage with your family this week to prepare for worship. 

You can listen to our Sunday Morning Setlist and become familiar with the congregational songs we are singing this Sunday on Spotify or YouTube. You can also listen to a playlist of all the congregational songs we sing as a church on Spotify.

Special Called Members’ Meeting, immediately following morning worship service

Sunday Night Activities, 5:00pm - 6:30pm

  • Students - Meet in Rooted Room (6th - 12th Grade)

  • Awana Sparks - Meet in Room 1300 (K - 2nd Grade)

  • Awana T&T - Meet in Room 1309 (3rd - 5th grade)

  • Awana Cubbies - Meet in Room 1312 (Preschool)


Ladies’ Discipleship Group, Tuesdays, 7:00pm, Room 1206

The ladies are studying Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin. Please reach out to Christina Brummel or Pam Baker for more information.


Ladies’ Bible Study, 6:15pm - 7:30pm

The ladies are studying Life Change - The Book of Daniel. Room 2103. Led by Julie Wooden.


Men's Discipleship Group, 6:30am in Room 1206

The men are studying Gospel Treason: Betraying The Gospel With Hidden Idols by Brad Bigney. Contact Jonathan Brummel or Benjamin Curlee for more info.


Serve Clarkston Mission Trip

Click here to sign up for the mission trip. This trip is open to middle school students through senior adults.

Coming Up 

Serve Clarkston, Saturday, April 5

We will partner with Clarkston International Bible Church as we serve a local apartment complex. Together, we'll facilitate engaging ESL activities and fun games, spending the day alongside the Clarkston team to connect with and support the community. This is a chance to contribute to their outreach efforts, build meaningful relationships, and encourage their impactful ministry in the area. This local missions project is open to middle school students through adults. Click here to sign up for the mission trip.

Special Called Members’ Meeting, Sunday, April 13, immediately following morning worship service

Good Friday, April 18, 6:00pm - 7:00pm.

We will remember Jesus’ death on Good Friday and anticipate His resurrection on Easter Sunday. Join us as we worship Jesus through music, prayer, Scripture reading, and a brief message. No childcare will be provided.

Easter Sunday on the Lawn, Sunday, April 20, 10:00am

Worship with us on Easter Sunday! We will enjoy family worship on the church lawn under a large tent with padded chairs. Pray and make plans to invite guests. We will not have Adult Bible Fellowships or Children’s classes on Easter Sunday.

Pastor Installation Service, Sunday, May 4, 5:00pm

The Elders invite you to the installation service of Dr. Nathan Young as our senior pastor on Sunday, May 4th. We are hosting a reception meal in the fellowship hall immediately after the installation service. Everyone may attend the installation service, but we ask you to RSVP for the reception meal so we have enough food for everyone to eat. Click here to RSVP before Wednesday, April 30th.

Children’s Ministry

Preschool, Sundays (Birth - Kindergarten)
Our Sunday morning preschool discipleship class is studying “Jesus as the Savior” through the Show Me Jesus curriculum by Great Commission Publications. This 2-year curriculum goes from God’s work in creation, the life and work of Jesus, and the promises of God in scripture. Our goal in this class is to introduce our young children to the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ.

Kids, Sundays (1st-5th Grade)
Our Sunday morning elementary discipleship class is currently working through the Biggest Story by Crossway. This 2-year curriculum will walk our kids from the book of Genesis to Revelation. Our goal in this class is to familiarize our children with the narrative of the Bible and to help them see how each book and story tells us who God is and what He’s done for us.

Sunday Night Bible Studies, 5:00pm - 6:30pm

Our Kids Ministry is participating in Awana! Make sure to sign up your Cubbies (Preschool), Sparks (K-2nd), T&T (3rd-5th). Kids will meet at the church from 5:00pm - 6:30pm pm for Bible memorization, biblical lessons, games, and more. More information can be found at miltoncc.org/children.

  • Awana Sparks - Meet in Room 1300 (K - 2nd Grade)

  • Awana T&T - Meet in Room 1309 (3rd - 5th grade)

  • Awana Cubbies - Meet in Room 1312 (Preschool)

Upcoming Children’s Events:

VBS, June 2-6. Registration is now open! Click here to register your children or to volunteer to serve. Let Dan Webb know if you have any questions regarding VBS.

Crabapple Weekday Preschool

Crabapple Weekday Preschool is an outreach ministry of Milton Community Church. We provide a loving Christian learning environment so each child can reach his/her greatest potential spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally, socially, and academically. This is accomplished by providing developmentally appropriate learning activities in a non-pressured environment and guidance in a Christian-based program. Preschoolers enjoy chapel each week as well as circle time, small group centers, packed snack and lunch, art, and recess daily. We also offer after school camps certain times of the year. Registration is open to MCC Members, current WDPS returning students and the public. If you have questions or would like to register your child click here, please call Shawn Andrew or Danielle Gagne in the Weekday Office (770-754-4105).

Senior adult ministry

Senior Adult Luncheon, Tuesday, April 22, 11:30am

Join us for good food, lively conversation, and meaningful fellowship at Family Traditions in Hickory Flat.


Sunday Students, (6th-12th grade)
Our Sunday morning student discipleship class is currently working through a study through the Westminster Shorter Catechism called “Digging Deeper.”  Our goal is to equip them with faithful, historic Christian teaching to deepen their understanding of the greatness of God and lead them to love Him more. These small group studies are led by a team of teachers who dedicate their time toward prayer and personal study to faithfully lead our students. Please click here to find out more information about Discipleship Classes.


Sunday Night Bible Study, 5:00pm - 6:30pm

Students - Meet in Rooted Room (6th - 12th Grade)

Upcoming Student Events:

Snowbird, June 23-27.

Men’s ministry

Men’s Prayer Breakfast, Saturday, April 12, 8:30am

Join us for breakfast as we conclude our study through Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges. The cost for our breakfast is $5 per person. We would also love to have men share their testimony. If you are interested in sharing your testimony please contact Rich Myers rgmyers73@yahoo.com.

Men’s (and Sons) Retreat, April 25-26
We are planning a men’s (and sons) retreat Friday night and Saturday, April 25-26. The location will be at a cabin in Hiawassee, GA. We will enjoy devotional and worship times together, a Friday night cookout, and Saturday morning breakfast. There are nearby options for hiking, kayaking, fishing, etc. Sleeping accommodations include beds(limited), plenty of floor and deck space for air mattresses, and outside tent space and trees for hammocks. Cost will be $30 per last name. If you can come only for one night, that is absolutely fine! This will be a great relationship building opportunity for the men in our church. Contact Tom Goodrich to RSVP by April 20.


Annie Armstrong Easter Offering, March 9 - April 6
The offering was started in 1895 by Woman's Missionary Union® (WMU) to benefit the work of the Home Mission Board (now North American Mission Board). In 1934, it was named in honor of Annie Armstrong, a bold missions advocate and WMU's first national executive leader. Today, more than $2 billion has been donated by Southern Baptist churches and individuals to support thousands of missionaries in church planting and compassion ministries. Because of this sacrificial giving, millions of lives have been and continue to be transformed by the power of the gospel. 

If you would like to participate in the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering, we will have offering envelopes available in the foyer as well as an option on our Church Center giving app to direct offerings to Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. MCC's goal for 2025 is $6,500.

Announcements and Next steps

how to become a christian

Becoming a Christian involves believing the gospel of Jesus Christ. We must accept what the Bible says about God, the world, and us. First, God rules the world in truth and righteousness. Second, the world - including us- rebels against God and revels in sin. Third, Jesus Christ reconciles us to God when we confess our sin and trust his forgiveness. If you are interested in becoming a Christian, we'd love to meet with you and answer any questions.

how to become a member of our church

We believe God wants every Christian to become a covenant member of a local church. If you want to learn more about our church, we invite you to attend our Meaningful Membership class. We offer this six week class at different times throughout the year. Attending the class will not obligate you to become a church member, but we do ask all new members to take the class.


You may give an offering online by clicking here, by mailing a check to the church, or by dropping an offering in a plate in the church foyer. If you currently don't receive envelopes for giving and would like to, please call the church office or send an email to our Finance Office and we can get envelopes set up for you. If you have other questions related to giving, click here for a guide.

Livestream Link

While watching online is not a replacement for gathering with God’s people on the Lord’s Day, the livestream will be available on Vimeo and YouTube for those that are providentially hindered from gathering.

Need Prayer?

We would love to pray for you! You can submit a prayer request by clicking here.

Deacons of the Week 

Week of March 23 - March 29 - Eric Webb and Benjamin Curlee
Week of March 30 - April 5 - Bo Wooden and Al Dempsey

If you have a member care need this week, please see one of our Deacons of the Week. You can contact them at deacon@miltoncc.org, or by calling (770) 475-6111, ext. 104.