Good Friday Service
We will remember Jesus’ death on Good Friday and anticipate His resurrection on Easter Sunday. Join us as we worship Jesus through music, prayer, Scripture reading, and a brief message. No childcare will be provided.
We will remember Jesus’ death on Good Friday and anticipate His resurrection on Easter Sunday. Join us as we worship Jesus through music, prayer, Scripture reading, and a brief message. No childcare will be provided.
Worship with us on Easter Sunday! We will enjoy family worship on the church lawn under a large tent with padded chairs. Pray and make plans to invite guests. We will not have Adult Bible Fellowships or Children’s classes on Easter Sunday.
We’re thrilled for this summer’s VBS at Milton Community Church!
Throughout the week, we’ll dive into the life and ministry of Jesus with our Wild West-themed program, Wonder Junction. It’s going to be a fun and meaningful time as we explore His journey together.
This year, we’re introducing a new twist! Instead of our usual Friday afternoon pizza party, we’ll kick off VBS with a pizza party, games, and inflatables on Sunday evening, June 1. It’s a great chance to learn more about what your kids will experience during the week, meet their group leaders and teachers, and have some fun!
Be sure to register your children soon—spots may fill up quickly, and we might need to close registration once we reach capacity.
We look forward to seeing you in June!