We invite you to worship with us on Sunday morning! We would love to meet you! Below is more information to help you plan your visit and know what you can expect.

adult bible fellowship

Adult Bible Fellowship Classes meet on Sunday mornings at 9:00am. The goal of our Discipleship Classes are to make disciples by teaching our members to observe everything that Christ has commanded. We want to rightly interpret and apply God’s Word to every aspect of our lives. Therefore, Discipleship Classes are purposely designed to give a comprehensive understanding of God’s Word that can be applied in every part of daily living. Please click here to find out more information about our Discipleship Classes, or stop by the Welcome Desk if you need help finding a class.

Coffee Fellowship

10:00am, MCC Worship Center Foyer

Worship Gathering

We gather as body on the Lord's Day for the glory of God and the edification of the saints. We sing together, read Scripture, pray, hear the Word preached, and observe the Lord's Supper and Baptism. We hope our worship services help you to know Jesus, worship Jesus, and share Jesus. You can listen to our Sunday Morning Setlist and become familiar with the Congregational Songs we are singing on Spotify or YouTube. The Livestream will be available on our website, Vimeo, and YouTube.

What to expect


We are generationally, ethnically, and socio-economically diverse. Sunday morning attendance is between 100 and 150 people. Dress trends toward business-casual, though you can find anything from from jeans to suits. People are friendly and you can expect that several of the folks sitting around you in the service will introduce themselves.


On Sunday morning at 9:00am, we come together for our Discipleship Classes in which we study God’s Word and its application to all areas of life. You can find a Discipleship Class for you and your children by visiting our Welcome Center, which is located on the first floor. Someone there will be glad to assist you. Following Discipleship Classes, we begin our Sunday morning service at 10:30am.


There is a nursery provided for infants during both Discipleship Classes and the Worship Service. Extended Session for preschool children is available during the service. After Discipleship Classes, preschoolers can remain in their rooms for Extended Session during morning worship, or you are welcome to bring them to worship with you. There is a Cry Room available downstairs in Room 1304 if you need it. If you go down the stairs in the foyer at the back of the worship center, it is located in the room directly across the hall from the bottom of the stairs. The service will be streamed to this room so you don’t miss anything, but please also feel free to come back into the worship center once your child calms down. Parents will need to pick up children Kindergarten-5th Grade from their Discipleship Classes and take them to the worship service with them. We encourage moms and dads to actively parent in the pew and intentionally train their children to participate in corporate worship. We also have a children's worship guide available for you that will help your child follow along in the service and stay engaged.


We seek to worship God in spirit & truth. We sing a wide variety of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, both old and new. We carefully select songs that are doctrinally sound, theologically rich, and suited for congregational singing. At MCC, we desire as much as humanly possible to be less concerned with the kind of music we like, and more concerned with the kind of worship God likes.


We will open with a call to worship, sing several songs, offer prayers of adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication to God, and hear Scripture read and explained. Preaching at MCC is expositional, meaning that our pastor preaches through the Bible book-by-book, verse-by-verse, seeking to explain a particular Bible passage. Sermons usually last around 45 minutes. They are packed with material that exhorts, encourages, challenges, confronts, and comforts folks whatever their spiritual level. All preaching is gospel-driven.


We have a time where we respond in song to what we have heard from God’s Word. The first Sunday of every month we celebrate the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper together and recite our church covenant, renewing the promises that we have made in membership. At the conclusion of every service, we hear a benediction from God’s Word, then are sent out to be on mission. Guests are invited to stop by the Welcome Desk in the foyer so that we can meet you, learn how we can best serve you, and give you a gift! Our church is like family, so you will certainly find folks hanging around after the service to talk about the sermon or to catch up with their brothers and sisters in Christ.